Deutsches Museum, at München, shows the Mechanical Trumpeter.Built in 1810, it is powered by winding up a spring. It plays music and moves... Incredible...First cyborg ev...
Using generics to constraint the max change rate in variables
I´ve posted this article to TheCodeProject which talks about using generics to constraint the maximum change rate of a variable.It´s very simple, but a good introduction to generics. Might be useful for real-time applications or for anything where you want to constraint how many times a variable can change it´s value in a certain period of time, regardless of it´s type of course (that´s where generics...
Calendario Tórrido del Maligno
Dios, a pocas fallezo de la risa...en este link tenéis una entrada en el blog del maligno que merece la pena leer. Él y sus secuaces han hecho un Calendario Tórrido que es la caña, y además con fines benéficos.Como me ha parecido una idea cojonuda, a ver si os pasáis todos por ahí y colaboráis con 12 lereles que seguro podéis dejar de gastaros en una lotería, que por otra parte no os va a tocar.Así...
Crysis 3000 barrel explosion physics demo
Take the Separating Axis Theorem. Build a collision detection system based on it, with several primitives, like barrels, boxes, and all the stuff. Stick there a rigid body response module and a really really stable numerical integration algorithm.Is it fun enough to try that monster with just a couple of barrels? I guess it´s not... more detailed explana...
NVIDIA's 3-way SLI: Can we finally play Crysis? Me parto !
Aquí tenéis un artículo muy interesante acerca del 3-way SLI mode de nVidia... o de cómo pulirte el sueldo de un trienio en un sistema gráfico...Mola mucho el titulillo: "NVIDIA's 3-way SLI: Can we finally play Crysis?"Me parto !!! juas !!!...
Simax en AutoBild
Ha sido una semana muuuy liada, pero por fin tengo un momento para publicar esta entrada. Simax ha sido entrevistado y publicado en la revista AutoBild, nº 108.Si te das prisa, todavía estas a tiempo de encontrarla en los quioscos... hasta mañana viernes, que sale el siguiente número!Salud...
Sinclair ZX Spectrum +2. Maravilloso... sniff....
El otro día rescaté de una caja un libro que me llenó de nostalgia. Es el manual de usuario de un ordenador que todavía conservo y, en principio, debería funcionar. Lo tengo bien guardado, junto con un montón de cintas con juegos, y un buen paquete de revistas MicroHobby: publicación especializada en...
HTC Touch + GPS BlueTooth + tomtom6 for dummies
Si te preguntas como configurar tu HTC Touch con un receptor GPS BlueTooth para usar el navegador tomtom 6, sigue leyendo. En este tutorial, voy a utilizar el siguiente receptor GPS: Holux M-1200. 70 pavos aprox. en el MediaMarkt, aunque he visto gente en foros que lo ha pillado hasta por 40 en intesné....
HTC Touch + HTC EndKey application
I recently installed the HTC EndKey application in my HTC Touch, and I must advise you not to do so, mainly due to:1.- This app is not very useful for the Touch, as it only gives you quick shortcuts for funcs like: lock phone (the htc touch is lockable via a long press in the red button), vibration mode (easily accesible in the speaker config icon), airplane mode (it may be useful if you take a plane...
Automatic Lightmap Generation for Generic Sets of Geometry in Real Time Simulation
Siguiendo en el baúl de los recuerdos. No encuentro link al pdf, pero éste es el título de un Short Paper que publiqué en el año 2002 junto a mis mentores Alex García Alonso y Luis Matey.Fué la primera aproximación a la técnica desarrollada para atlas de coordenadas genéricos.Seguiré buscando a ver si se puede bajar de algún sitio.Hi...
Texturas precomputadas para aplicaciones en tiempo real
Hace ya algunos años, publiqué un artículo en colaboración con mis dos mentores (Dr. Luis Matey y Dr. Alex García Alonso), que llevaba el título:APLICACIONES AVANZADAS DEL USO DE TEXTURASPRECOMPUTADAS EN ENTORNOS DE SIMULACIÓN EN TIEMPOREAL En la revista de ingeniería industrial de la Universidad de Bío Bío, en Chile. En ese artículo se describía una propuesta diferente para generar lo que hoy se...
Charla XNA. Microsoft CodeCamp 2007
Muy buenas, he visto Microsoft ha subido a este link el PowerPoint de mi charla sobre XNA para el CodeCamp de 2007 en Huelva. Os pongo el link por si os apetece bajarlo. Esa charla fué compartida con el gran Javier Cantón (DirectX MVP). Podéis ver un video aqui.Salud...
XBox360 Controller for Windows - PC
Last week, I bought an additional XBox360 controller. In this case, I bought the wired version, because I wanted to use it with my PC without the need for an additional wireless adapter.I must say it works flawlessly on the PC. You just need a special driver found here.You can use it with XNA as well,...
GPS on a plane at 940 kmh
I´ve found this video on YouTube of a guy in a plane with his GPS at 940 km/h.Impressive!Specs:GPS bluetooth Leadtek 9553 (SirfIII Bt Gps)HP IpaqTomtom v 5....
XNA Image Reflector. Latest Best Picks
The XNAImageReflector article at TheCodeProject hast been included in the Last Best Picks list today. You can read the article he...
TheCodeProject article: easy rendering with XNA inside a Windows Form
Ive just seen that my last article about "Easy rendering with XNA inside a Windows Form" at TheCodeProject has been placed in the "Last Best Picks" list of the site.
You can read other articles about XNA and game development here.
TheCodeProject Article. XNAImageReflector
Yesterday, my article about XNAImageReflector was accepted, edited and moved to another url in TheCodeProject.
I updated the link in the previous post, but anyway, paste it again here:
TheCodeProject Article: XNA integration with WinForms (II)
Yesterday, my article about integration of XNA and WinForms was accepted, edited and moved to another url in TheCodeProject.
I updated the link in the previous post, but anyway, paste it again here:
XNA Image Reflector. Easily create web2.0-like reflected images

XNA is for games, but not just for games! ;)
I finally posted the XNAImageReflector article to TheCodeProject. It includes full source code, screenshots, instructions and programming details.
About XNAImageReflector:
It´s an application that integrates XNA rendering and maths with Windows Forms....
XNA Game Studio 2.0 (beta) released !

XNA Game Studio 2.0 (beta) has been released. You can see some installation instructions here.It finally includes VisualStudio 2005 support (non-express versions). Something really demanded in the last months.Can´t wait to try ...
TheCodeProject article: XNA Billiards Visual Demo

Today, I have uploaded another article to TheCodeProject. You can find it here.
I paste here the introduction:
This article is an example of 3D rendering and content processing with XNA, and a good start for those you want to start learning XNA. Although it´s not a full working Billiards...
Forza MotorSport 2 bug. Front wheels driven Porsche?
This video shows a bug in ForzaMotorSport 2 demo for the XBox360.The Porsche 911 is front wheels driven, what is actually a heresy for car enthusiasts. Maybe it was fixed in release version... Anybody knows?...
Coleguillas del TechEd Developers 2007

Aqui me he encontrado una entrada en el blog del gran Ramón Tebar, Microsoft MSP y compañero de fatigas en el TechEd 2007 en Barcelona. La verdad es que lo pasamos fenomenal. Aqui Ramón y otro grande, recién MVP DirectX Javier Cantón, conmigo:Muchas gracias por las fotos Ramont...
Double Buffer Graphics in C# + GDI (II)
This happens sometimes to me.As a C++ programmer, when I moved to .net I was not used to have things done there for me, so I tended to do everything on my own (I found myself once programming a method to search a substring inside a string... ;), and today it happened again.Augusto Ruiz has left a comment in my last post about GDI DoubleBuffering that is worth to mention, because all the DoubleBuffer...
TheCodeProject article: easy integration between XNA and Windows Forms

I have just posted this article to TheCodeProject, it talks about how to render XNA graphics inside a Windows form.
Better graphics in XBox360 than in PlayStation3 ?

Today, watching some videos in one of my favourite sites, I´ve found a comparison between Assassin´s Creed for XBox360 and PlayStation3.Link:´s quite impressive to see that XBox360 beats the PS3 up in this game. Some people say it´s just a contrast or gamma...
XNA Image Reflector. Easily create web 2.0 reflected images

In the last months or years, every single power point I see, with a decent design and look, includes pictures that have been "reflected" vertically, as if they where in the top of a reflecting table or so... it´s the so-called "web 2.0 reflection". Just like this one:This kind of effect can be easily...
XNA easy and efficient primitive rendering (PrimitiveBatch)
Recently, I got into the situation where I had to render a simple line in a 2D view, in XNA. As the fixed func. pipeline is no longer available, in order to do so you would have to deal with a shader. Probably a BasicEffect or another one created to render 2D lines.I just googled up for "xna 2d rendering" and I´ve found this article in ZiggyWare (a must for any XNA developer). It shows how to do some...
The real Cooperative Gaming
I´ve found a picture of what should be the so-called "cooperative gaming":This is friendship, isn´t it?Juas !...
Tetris a.k.a "Cuadrados de Rusia"

Y es que así es como parece que conocen en China al Tetris.Yo ya sabía que era un juego adictivo, porque me dejaba casi todas las monedas de 25 pelas que componían mi paga en la jodía maquinilla, pero es que esta noticia me ha dejado "pa'llá":Una anciana china de 72 años, adicta a los vídeojuegos desde...
TechEd 2007. More C# 3 features. Object and collection initializers
Another great feature of C# version 3, shown in the TechEd today and yesterday is Object Initializers.Working as expressions, we can create and initialize objects in a single statement. Imagine we have a class Provider, with properties Name and email. We can do the following:Provider prv = new Provider() { Name="Microsoft", email = "" }That will create the object and initialize...
TechEd 2007. .NET Language Integrated Query (LINQ)
The last session I attended on monday was:The .NET Language Integrated Query (LINQ) Frameworkby Luca Bolognese (Senior Program Manager, Microsoft).For anyone thas has worked in data access components, software, or have struggled at anytime with databases, this represents a huge step forward in terms of productivity, robustness, understandability, and efficiency.I´m no expert in such issues but, to...
TechEd 2007. VStudio 2008, C# 3, Automatic Properties
Just following the previous post, I keep talking about the session by Daniel Moth ( ), yesterday in the TechEd.He showed another C# 3 new feature that is extremely useful: Automatic Properties.You not tired about writing something like this?private int mNumCustomers;public int NumCustomers{get{return mNumCustomers;}set{mNumCustomers = value;}}This is a pain in the ass......
TechEd 2007. VisualStudio 2008, C# 3, MultiTargeting and Anonymous Types
Yesterday, from 16 to 17:15, Daniel Moth ( ) introduced the new features of VStudio 2008 and .Net Framework 3.5. It was a very impressive session, fun and interesting.Specially exciting the new multi-targeting feature of VStudio 2008. It´s a way to tell the environment which .Net Framework version your project will target, through the project´s properties window. Just...
TechEd 2007. KeyNote by S. Somasegar
Yesterday, at 14:00 we attended the keynote of the TechEd2007, by Microsoft´s developer division corporate vice-president, Mr. S. Somasegar. He presented the new key features of Microsoft developments plattform: VisualStudio 2008, .Net Framework 3.5, SilverLight, the Expression Studio tools, etc.To...
TechEd Barcelona. 2007

Tomorrow I´m traveling to Barcelona to attend the Microsoft TechEd Developers 2007. I´d be glad to meet you there if you also attend. I´ll try to post session comments here too, at the end of each day. Cheers! ----- Mañana viajo a Barcelona para asistir al TechEd Developers 2007 que Microsoft organiza...
Great master of chess trying Simax
Several months ago, we had the pleasure to receive at our facilities to the great master of chess Miguel Illescas.He was trying one of the first prototypes of the simax simulator. Although it was in a very primitive stage, he liked it and enjoyed a ride with a Volkswagen Polo.I include this post now, because I´ve received this link with some info about it (Basque Language)
XNA Game Studio 2.0
It seems that version 2 of XNA Game Studio is around the corner. We are all willing to test the new features described here: one note: it will finally work with all versions of Visual Studio (2005 professional, ...).Chee...
MSFT Madrid

Today, I had the chance to visit Microsoft facilities in Madrid. It´s a beautiful place as you can see:Good to work here, specially after you see several XBox360 at the entrance ;)Thank you gu...
Photoshop CS3 Layers. Select all pixels & rasterize effects
I´ve been messing around with Photoshop CS3 and I´ve found a couple of things I´d like to share with you.In versions of PS prior to the CS2, only one layer in the layer palette could be selected at a time. Now, there´s the possibility to select more than one layer and work with them alltogether, in the typical ctrl+click way to select and de-select layers.This is great, but that combination (ctrl+click)...
Tutorial de desarrollo de Juegos: Diseño basado en componentes
No siempre voy a hacerlo, pero hoy me veo con fuerzas y voy a tratar de escribir este tutorial en ambos idiomas. Allá va...Si habéis leído algo sobre XNA, probablemente hayáis visto un concepto que, aunque lleva ya bastantes años por ahí, su aplicación en el sector de los videojuegos es bastante nueva y especialmente apropiada. Estoy hablando del: Desarrollo basado en componentes.La idea es diseñar...
Game Development Tutorial: Component based design or more precisely, the Interface used in CBD
If you´ve read something about XNA, you have probably seen a concept that, though it´s out there for many years now, it´s quite new and specially appropiate for games: Component based programming.Some people pointed out that I´m talking more about the interface used in the Component Based Design of XNA than the CBD itself, and they are right. Absolutely right.The important idea I wanted to transmit...
Double Buffer Graphics in C# + GDI
Hi all,recently, I was building a test application that needed some basic graphic drawing to show some physical values in real time. I wanted to do it simple and fast, so I didn´t want to deal with all the DirectX stuff (devices, resources, etc). That´s why I went into the simple Windows Forms GDI solution.I wrote the program and run fine but, as expected, flickering appeared all around when animation...
Simax en Navarparty 2007
Muy buenas,hace ya bastante tiempo que no escribo en el blog. Como dirían algunos... busy, busy, busy...En fin, que este viernes estaré en la Navarparty (Pamplona), presentando el proyecto Simax y respondiendo a cualquier duda que salga. También habrá alguna demo del sistema, técnica, etc.El horario provisional es 17:30 de la tarde. Si por algún motivo cambia, podréis verlo actualizado aqui:http:...
New simax video. ABS braking practice
In the following link: can find the latest Simax Project video. An exercise practicing braking with and without Anti-lock Braking System.chee...
Discover the Logitech G25
As you probably already know, the G25´s shifter is extremely functional as it can be configured as an h-pattern shifter or a sequential shifter.What maybe you don´t know yet is that you can push the shifter down when h-pattern mode is selected. "Pushing down and setting a gear", will result in a different button than just "setting that gear".This feature allows you to simulate, for example, a 6-gear...
Unveiling the power of the Porsche 911
Take a look at the newest Simax Project video. It shows a high speed ride with the Porsche 911 Carrera through a highway, closed to traffic. info at: www.simax...
Simax HiRes Videos
Muy buenas, estamos subiendo los videos del proyecto Simax al siguiente link: soporta videos HD, así que hasta nuevo aviso, todos los futuros videos serán subidos allí.Saludos-----Hi, we are uploading all the simax videos to: are HD, so every new video will appear there...
Artículo en Expansión&Empleo
En el siguiente enlace:éis leer un artículo publicado en Expansión&Empleo (suplemento del periódico Expansión) en el que hablan del pasado CodeCamp de Microsoft.Salud...
Simax Driving Simulator, Ejercicio formativo elemental
Muy buenas,este post lo escribo en español porque el nuevo video de Simax también está en castellano, así que ná...En el siguiente link:éis el último video del proyecto simax, uno de los ejercicios formativos disponibles en el simulador, destinado a la práctica de las maniobras más básicas necesarias para el manejo de un turismo con transmisión manual,...
Simax Porsche 911 Carrera S trailer
There´s a new Simax video available. You can find it here: shows some visual details of a Porsche 911 Carrera inside the engine of the Simax simulator. All scenes have been taken from live action in the simulator (no rendered scenes or post processing).Hope you like it.Chee...
Microsoft CodeCamp. June 2007. El Rocío, Huelva
Hi there !It´s been long ago since the last time I wrote a post. I´ve been really busy with the Simax project and the recent events. I haven´t visited the MSDN forums much neither, but I hope to start getting more time for my own since now.This last weekend I had the chance to go to El Rocio (Huelva,...
Easy Drag&Drop from DataGridView control
The DataGridView control does not implement any method for doing Drag&Drop of items or rows out of it, but it can easily be done with some custom code. This first example will hande dragging of entire rows out of the DataGridView:private void dataGridView1_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e){ if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { // If the datagrid has any selected row, and...
XNA Collision Detection (Part III). Content Processing (code fixed)
[Please NOTE: This article is OBSOLETE. It has been re-written and completed in this newer posts: part 1 and part 2] Put in the Mesh class all the info wee need Very much like we did in the Custom Content Processing post, we are going to use the “Tag” property of a mesh to store what we want, which in this case is something like this: public class MeshData { ...
XNA Collision Detection (Part II)
[Please NOTE: This article is OBSOLETE. It has been re-written and completed in this newer posts: part 1 and part 2] Accurate collision detection ( I assume here that you´ve read my post about Custom Content Processing: ) A more accurate collision model is sometimes needed. The best is to develop a library...
XNA Collision Detection (Part I)
[Please NOTE: This article is OBSOLETE. It has been re-written and completed in this newer posts: part 1 and part 2] Preface: If you want to see an introductory post to Collision Detection, check out this one: XNA collision detection In D3D there´s a method called Mesh.Intersect that performs a Mesh-Ray...

I wanted to dedicate a post to introduce "ford", my dog.He is extremely friendly and gives us some very good momen...
The Simax Project. New video
Yesterday, a new video of the simulator engine was released.It shows some of the newest environments available in the simulator. The link: you like it...
More ski
Another great ski day. Here, my dad, great skier (Candanchu, 2003). This man didn´t ski for eleven years before that day... Just after getting down the chair lift, he went down the hardest track of the resort, at full speed... After 200m, he crashed and started to tumble downhill. I was worried as he´s...
Talk about refactoring, today in Pamplona

This evening, at 19:30 will take place, here in Pamplona, another NavarraDotNet event: a talk about Refactoring. It will be guided by Carlos Segura (Sharepoint MVP) and Sergio Jimenez, (member of navarraDotNet).More info:
3D intersection concepts and the Mesh.Intersect() method
[Please NOTE: This article is OBSOLETE. It has been re-written and completed in this newer posts: part 1 and part 2] Today I´ve posted an answer to somebody that wanted to know more about collision detection and the use of the Mesh.Intersect method. As I liked the post, I decided to put it in here. Hope it helps somebody else. You can find the original post here:
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