Writing a correct Main Loop for your application

Have you ever wondered how can Windows run more than one application at a time, even in a single-processor machine? The answer is easy. It doesn’t. The point is that it switches from one application to another so fast that you don´t notice the change, and it seems both applications are running in parallel. To allow this, running Windows applications should not always be running. It´d be a waste of...

AutoBild estudia los efectos del cansancio y del alcohol al volante con simuladores Simax

En el número de esta semana de AutoBild (nº 214, del 18 al 24 de Diciembre de 2009), se publica la primera parte de un estudio realizado en colaboración con Toyota España y Simax, en el que se analizan los efectos del cansancio y del consumo de alcohol en la conducción. ¿Y qué mejor manera para hacerlo...

My ListView won´t show groups! Why?

This is a well documented issue, but just in case it helps someone. If your ListView doesn't show groups, ensure the following (starting with the most obvious, and ending with the probable cause): Ensure your ListView has, at least, one column Ensure you have created Groups correctly Properly assign a group to each Item, through their “Group” property Set listView.ShowGroups property...