D3DX UVAtlas for mesh parameterization fails with some meshes (Partition, Pack and Create)

I have been searching for a solution to this situation for a long time. Searched and searched with no luck on the net. I guess that not many people is using the UVAtlas functionality that comes with DirectX9. So, these are my findings: Partition and Pack always fail? If you are using the Managed version of DirectX, the Partition and Pack methods will ALWAYS fail. I´m not sure if it´s related to...

How to sign C++ CLI assemblies with a strong name

If your application is signed with a strong name, Visual Studio will require you to sign every assembly you reference. Now, even if you are a .Net only developer, it happens sometimes that you have to deal with some kind of interop with C++/CLI DLLs. If both situations happen, you will find yourself...

Avoid that strange “Form going to background” effect in WinForms

Someone asked me yesterday about a strange effect he was getting in a WinForms application. Scenario: Form1 is the main form of the application Form2 is a child form shown sometimes to make additional operations. This form is shown using the Show() method, not the ShowDialog() method. I´m not sure if this affects this specific situation, but in his program, Form2 is forced to never be closed...

ListView highlighting effects (and how to force it to keep highlight when lost focus)

  Many people ask about how to force a List View to keep the selected item highlight when the control lost its focus. The obvious and fast answer is: Set “HideSelection” property to false, as it seems to be designed with such purpose. In part, this is true, because when the the list view losses the focus the item remains highlighted, but with the “inactive” color, instead the default highlight...

Bungie´s Lighting and Rendering pipeline

Yesterday, I found a very interesting website with publications and articles from Bungie, the creators of Halo. You can find them here. One of them talks about lighting and rendering and there is a specially interesting slide that will explain a lot of people how they achieve such a wonderful visuals....

Simax + Microsoft + Toyota

Today, we have published another Simax Video, about the Simax ECO-Experience, a product developed for Toyota and with the collaboration of Microsoft focused in ECO-Driving Training. img alt="" galleryimg="no" onload="var downlevelDiv = document.getElementById('93169b18-1ef7-4a29-b3a6-39fd389a9896');...