AJAX, XNA, WF, WCF, WPF, WTF does that mean?

Hi there!last thursday took place here the event:AJAX, XNA, WF, WCF, WPF, WTF does that mean?Firstly, we had the chance to learn from David Salgado (http://blogs.msdn.com/davidsalgado/) in his charts about ASP.NET AJAX, WCF and WPF. Amazing !!!! Thanks David!Later on, I talked about Managed DirectX...

Exception is thrown at Device Reset

Hi there,In order to get no exceptions when resetting the device, due to a resize or to a FullScreen toggle, you must be sure to have freed every single resource of the device, because for each resource, DirectX mantains an internal counter of references. If any of these counters is not 0 at Reset, it throws an exception and the Reset fails.Well, in order to make sure this counters are all 0:1.- Every...

Managed DirectInput weird slowdown

Yesterday, while finishing the last details of my Custom ActionMapping system, I noticed a terrible slowdown in my application. In a demo app I was using, the fps falled from 82 to 9 !!!!Looking for the problem, I found that it was due to an access to the Device.DeviceInformation property. I decompiled the DirectInput libraries, and I found that each time an access to this struct is done, a New()...

MDX Custom Action Mapping (Part III)

[Warning: This article is obsolote. I´d suggest you to read the Refreshed version here.] We continue with the MDX Custom Action Mapping series where we left it. This is, by now, the last part of the tutorial. Hope it helps you... Bind up the physical object What do we put in the file to identify the physical object? It´s name? It´s ID? It´s offset? Any of them would work if we´d...

MDX Custom Action Mapping (Part II)

[Warning: This article is obsolote. I´d suggest you to read the Refreshed version here.] Taking the issue where we left it yesterday... The next step is to make an important choice: Inmediate or Buffered mode? Take into account that DX Action Mapping works in Buffered Mode only. Why? To answer that, let´s describe both modes a little bit: Inmediate Mode Take a look at how...

MDX Custom Action Mapping

  [Warning: This article is obsolote. I´d suggest you to read the Refreshed version here.] In the last few months I realized that I didn´t have a decent controller configuration system and I started to look at DirectInput´s Action Mapping. After a couple of weeks working around it, my frustration growed up and I decided to make my own full ActionMapping system (supporting mapping to...

.Net Framework 3.0. DirectX and XNA event.

Hi all,late this month, a new Microsoft event will take place here in Pamplona. Promoted by navarraDotNet, it will cover .Net Framework 3.0 technologies and more."Masters of Techonology" as David Salgado ( http://blogs.msdn.com/davidsalgado/ ) and Carlos Segura (Microsoft MVP, http://www.ideseg.com/ ) will present some parts of the agenda. More people to be confirmed ! (will post here when known)....

Managed DirectInput samples bugs. Logitech G25 FF fails to initialize

Recently, I had the chance to test the magnificent Logitech G25 Racing Wheel, a superb product for PC racing enthusiasts. Of course, after investing two or three hours of my life with TOCA 2 and the wheel ( yeeeeaaaaaah !) , I started to play with it using Managed DirectInput, just to see what is able to do.I had some problems initializing Force Feedback, and I contacted Joe Kreiner from Logitech,...

.Net Security event in Pamplona

Just a couple of weeks ago, we had the chance to learn from Chema Alonso in his chart "Los programadores y la seguridad", here in Pamplona.Excellent work Chema !The event was promoted by navarraDotNet, a recent .Net group created in Navarra, with the collaboration of Microsoft and the CES (Centros de...

Welcome to Graphic DNA

Hi there,Just wanted to say hello and welcome you all to my blog.I´ll try to talk about issues of my interest, like graphics, programming, DirectX, Managed DirectX, .Net, XNA, ...Any opinion is really welcome !Regards,I. Ayuc...